Extension of time request

Extension of Time Request

Generally the State of Utah gives an applicant who files an Application to Appropriate, Change Application or Exchange Application five (5) years to file Proof of Beneficial Use. If the applicant hasn’t completed the water project or placed the water to beneficial use completely they can file an Extension of Time Request explaining to the State why they need more time to complete the project.

If the Application was approved within the last 14 years then the Extension of Time Request isn’t advertised, however if it was approved over 14 years ago it will be advertised in the local paper once a week for two consecutive weeks. After the advertising period the Extensions of Time can be protested for up to 20 days. Only municipalities or public water suppliers can receive Extensions on their application beyond 50 years (See 40 Year Plan).

Extensions of Time will be approved as long as the applicant continues to exercise reasonable and due diligence in completing their water project. Riley Water Consulting has helped hundreds of applicants receive extensions by conveying accurate information to the State on correct forms.